Physical Therapy & Performance Services

  • Injury Management

    When you initiate care at Synchrony PT, it begins with a thorough examination and assessment based on your history, your present concerns, and your goals.

    Your personalized program will be co-authored by you and your physical therapist and will include a combination of education, hands-on care, and prescriptive exercise designed according to your needs and goals.

    Your physical therapist will work one-on-one with you throughout the process. This includes providing a direct point of contact for scheduling, and any questions between sessions.

  • Wellness & Pre-habilitation

    Did you know?… Clients can seek the services of a physical therapist even if they are not injured or in pain! These services may be referred to as wellness care or “pre-hab”.

    As with our Injury Management services, you will work one-on-one with your physical therapist to design a plan of care to help you meet your healthy activity goals.

  • Athlete Recovery

    Our Athlete Recovery services provide personalized attention to help you perform at your highest level.

    These services include expert hands-on techniques (manual therapy), myofascial decompression (cupping*), prescriptive exercise, and rest/recovery advisement to help maximize your training.

    As with our other service programs, your physical therapist will work with you to personalize the frequency and combination of techniques that is best for your needs.

    *Note- Cupping services currently available at our Waukesha office only.*

  • Healthy Runner Evaluation

    Running is a skill!

    During our Healthy Runner Evaluation we’ll assess your movement patterns, muscle condition, and joint mobility. From there we can offer individualized recommendations for you related to strength, mobility, balance, and run-specific drills.

    Whether you’re new to running, a seasoned competitor, or anywhere in between- this evaluation is intended to help you learn more about yourself as a runner and keep you running healthy and strong in the process.

At Synchrony PT we offer a variety of methods to provide our services.

  • In-person at our clinic locations

  • Online via Telehealth

  • Hybrid- a combination of in-person and online sessions

Service Delivery